Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Systematic approach to teaching is a network of elements or parts different from each other but each one is special in the sense that each performs a unique function for the life and effectiveness of the instructional system.
It is an organized learning pattern which aims to integrate the whole: the school, the teacher, the students, the objectives, the media, the materials and assessment tools and procedures. In this approach, the older methods and tools for instruction are combined with the modern and new ones such as computers. The focus of this approach are the students.

Define objectives- objectives should consider the students’ needs, interests, and readiness.
Choose appropriate methods- after defining the objectives, you can now identify the methods suited to the content.
Choose appropriate experiences- Based on the teaching method selected, the appropriate learning experiences an appropriate materials, equipment and facilities will also be selected .
Select materials, equipment and facilities- The use of learning materials, equipment and facilities necessitates assigning the personnel to assist the teacher.
Assign personnel roles- Defining the role  and task of any personnel involved in the preparation, setting and returning of this learning resources would also help in the learning process.
Implement the instruction- Actual mode of instruction in which all plans are being utilized.
Evaluate outcomes- to examine whether the instructional objectives were attained or not
Refine the process- If the instructional objective was attained, teacher proceeds to the next lesson going through the same cycle once more. If not, the teacher diagnoses what was not learned and why it was not learned in order to identify what remedial measures should be taken to attain the objectives.

Each phases of the system are interrelated and dependent of each other. What happens to the one of these phases will affect the other. Thus, it is important for the teacher to plan everything to avoid failure of the process and in order to attain the learning objectives. If all the elements of the system will work out properly, then the result will probably be an effective teaching-learning experience.

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